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Showing posts with label Herbivorous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herbivorous. Show all posts

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Cervus Elaphus Barbarus

Friday, July 24, 2015

Lemur (Maki) Catta

 Lemurs are one specie of the monkeys family, they live in tropicals forests in Madagascar,the lemurs  build their caches inside the trees or above the ground .

   This animal can jump up to 10 meters high and roam between tall trees to find food without touching the ground. Lemurs live in  groups to defend themselves ,they  share their territory with other members of their platoon. 

  Lemur walk on four legs and have five fingers in each hand . After  birth ,the lemur's female  cares the baby  , first it cares her baby in her front , at the age of two months old  it change  it from the front to her back and any female in the group can take care of the baby. Adult lemur feeds on flowers,  fruits and various leaves .

Latin's Name:lemur (Maki) catta
Classe: mammals
Order: primates
Family: lemuridae
Size: 40 cm
Tail: 60 cm
Weight: until 30 Kgs
Longevity: 10 years
Gestation: from 120 to 135 days