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Showing posts with label Birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birds. Show all posts

Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Peacock

   The peafowl or peacock  no doubt it is the most cocky and beautiful bird in our planet ,it is a symbol of the welfare to the extent that you will not find any  kings' or rich' houses without it. The peacock has a super beauty , long  and frilled  tail , it take  fan-shaped when is opened  , the tail is about twenty real  feathers  covered by about 150 brightly colored ones , the male showing his wonderful tail feathers to females for courting an invitation to mating , peacock legs are  strong and  there is three fingers in each one .

Latin's Name: pavo cristatus
Class: aves
Phylum: chorda

Family: phasianidae
Order: galliformes
Female: peahen

Size:  male  100 cm to 115 cm , female 95 cm
Weight: male 4 kgs to 6 kgs , female 2.75 kgs to 4 kgs
Longevity :       
Incubation period for eggs: from 27 days to 1 month
Number of eggs: 3 to 5 each female